For the permanent exhibition at The Juniper Hotel in Banff, Alberta, I created several Interpretive Panels and directional signage. The themes are history, environment and nature of the Rocky Mountains. The artworks include for instance a Yukon Birch Canoe, a 1800’s indigenous saddle, and a Bison Sculpture.

This exhibition “From Sea to Sea: A Survey of North American Indigenous Art from the Permanent Collection” was curated by Lisa Borin in collaboration with local Elders. The exhibition features items and artworks related to the migration of peoples to through Banff National Park. The exhibition was done at the Juniper Hotel, a UNESCO world heritage site where one of the oldest Canadian dwelling sites sits. Artists include Roland Rollinmud, Don Gardner, Daphne Odjig, Simon Charlie, Alex Janvier, Norval Morriseau.

Art Director: Lisa Borin / Arctos & Bird / 2012